For authors

To the attention of authors of «Research Journal of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series “Philology” (Linguistics)» No 22!

Editorial board of Research Journal of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series “Philology” (Linguistics) is looking to cooperate with specialists who study the topical issues of contemporary linguistics and translation studies associated with the development and functioning of Germanic, Romance, Slavic languages and reviewers of new monographic editions and study guides, as well as authors of announcements about national and international scientific events. Materials for publication are submitted in Ukrainian and relevant foreign languages (Germanic and Slavic). Students manuscripts have to include the written review of a research adviser affixed with the HEI seal.

Research Journal of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series “Philology” (Linguistics) is a professional edition (category “B”) on philological sciences (specialty 035 – Philology) on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 886 dated July 2, 2020 (annex 4).

  • The journal is included into the international database Index Copernicus International(the Republic of Poland).
  • Every article published in the Research Journal of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series “Philology” (Linguistics) is awarded DOI. 

Requirements for articles composition

1. A manuscript should be presented in the format * .doc (MSWord): Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing 1,5, margins: left, top, bottom – 2,5 cm, right – 1 cm. Paragraph indentation – 1,25 cm. It should be clearly differentiated dash (–) and hyphen (-).

2. The article must have UDC, summaries and key words in Ukrainian and English.

Summaries and key words are placed before the article text (font size 14, line spacing 1,5, italics, key words – semi-bold).

Ukrainian and English summaries must include a short presentation of the research stages (the summary text can’t directly repeat any fragments from the body text) and has to involve at least 1800 characters. The English summary has to contain author’s surname and initials, and the article title.

Articles must have such obligatory elements (semi-bold in the article text):

1)    problem statement and justification of its topicality;

2)    analysis of recent researches and publications;

3)    purpose and tasks statement;

4)    presentation of the main article materials;

5)    conclusions and prospects for further investigations in this area.

3. To highlight citations in the text, it is necessary to use quotes like: «повсюдне домінування Інтернет ресурсів» [2, 444]… (in Ukrainian text) and “neologisms” (in foreign text). References to theoretical sources are presented in the text according to bibliography list in square brackets, for example:

1)    one source [2, 444–445];

2)    two and more sources [4, 154; 6, 768];

3)    a source without indicated page [2].

Illustrative material is in round brackets: (8, 15).

4. Illustrations (schedules, graphs, diagrams, etc.) should be numbered within the article and accompanied by a name below them (for example, Drawing 1. Basic categories of narrative sentences). Tables are also numbered within the article and accompanied by a name above the table in the centre.

5. Examples of illustrative materials are highlighted with quotes and italics. An example that contains more than one sentence is placed as separated paragraph with 15 mm indention at left, for example:

He coughs and splutters on the other end of the telephone. He has fallen out with all his friends over this. If needs be he will disown his daughters. He will stand alone against the world-alone apart from the beautiful woman by his side (14, 123).

6. List of cited sources (BIBLIOGRAPHY) has to be in alphabetic order and meet the state bibliographic standards (DSTU 8302:2015) – 12 point size (line spacing 1,5) –  after article text, following such sequence of presentation:

1)    theoretical materials in Cyrillic;

2)    theoretical materials in Latin;

3)    DICTIONARIES AND REFERENCE MATERIAL (it is necessary to use consecutive numbering or to start an item with conventional symbols a scientific paper);

4)    SOURCES OF ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIALS (numbered separately).


1. Архангельська А. М. Фемінні інновації в новітньому українському назовництві. Мовознавство. 2014. № 3. С. 34–50.

2. Городенська К. Г. Розділ 6. Дієслово. Іван Вихованець, К. Городенська. Теоретична морфологія української мови : академ. граматика української мови / за ред. І. Вихованця. Київ : Пульсари, 2004. 400 с.

3. Загнітко А. П. Теоретична граматика української мови : Морфологія : монографія. Донецьк : ДонДУ, 1996. 437 с.


4. Нові слова та значення: словник. Ін-т укр. мови НАН України / укл.: Л. В. Туровська, Л. М. Васильковська. Київ : Довіра, 2008. 271 с.

5. Словник української мови : В 11-ти т. Київ : Наукова думка, 1970. Т. І. 799 c.; 1971. Т. ІІ. 550 с.; 1972. Т. ІІІ. 744 с…

6. Словотворчість незалежної України. 1991–2011: словник / укладач А. Нелюба. Харків : Харківське історико-філологічне товариство, 2012. 608 с.


1. Андієвська Е. Роман про людське призначення. Київ : Обрій, 1992. 514 с.

2. Андріяшик Р. В. Полтва : [роман]. Київ : Дніпро, 1989. 250 с.



1. Архангельська А. М. Фемінні інновації в новітньому українському назовництві. Мовознавство. 2014. № 3. С. 34–50.

2. Вихованець І. Р., Городенська К. Г. Теоретична морфологія української мови : академ. граматика укр. мови / за ред. І. Вихованця. Київ : Унів. вид-во «Пульсари», 2004. 400 с.

3. Загнітко А. П. Теоретична граматика української мови : Морфологія : монографія. Донецьк : ДонДУ, 1996. 437 с.


НСЗС – Нові слова та значення: словник. Ін-т укр. мови НАН України / укл.: Л. В. Туровська, Л. М. Васильковська. Київ : Довіра, 2008. 271 с.

СУМ – Словник української мови : В 11-ти т. Київ : Наукова думка, 1970. Т. І. 799 c.; 1971. Т. ІІ. 550 с.; 1972. Т. ІІІ. 744 с…

СНУ – Словотворчість незалежної України. 1991–2011: словник / укладач А. Нелюба. Харків : Харківське історико-філологічне товариство, 2012. 608 с.

7. Bibliography should be transliterated and presented as REFERENCES executed according to АРА (APA Style Reference Citations). Author (transliteration), title (English translation in square brackets), source name (transliteration), output data in English.

For example:

Bilodid, I. K. (Ed.). (1970). Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy: v 11 tt. [The Ukrainian language dictionary]. Kyiv: Nauk. Dumka [in Ukrainian].


8. It is necessary to use the function of the simultaneous pressing of the keys Ctrl + Shift + indent between the initials and surnames of cited authors in the article and bibliography.

9. Article volume is at least 12 pages. Publications are accepted in electronic version and checked via Antiplagiarism system (meeting the requirements, text originality is a minimum of 75%). Editorial board reserves the right to reject articles, which don’t meet indicated requirements, to bring back for improvement, and also reserves the right to edit, reduce materials and title specification. The author is responsible for content, accuracy and credibility of indicated facts, quotations and references.

Prohibition of using scientific works of the occupying country

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus

Order of materials publication

For publication of the article in No 22, it is necessary before October 28, 2024:

Academic integrity

The article must be reviewed by the editor-in-chief and tested for plagiarism.

The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company

An author receives payment details after a successful reviewing.

It is necessary to send payment confirmation (photo or scanned copy) to editorial board.

The electronic version of the magazine will be posted on the website until December 31, 2024.
The printed version of the journal will be sent to authors of articles who order a printed copy by January 31, 2025.


Publication fee

The publication fee is 1300 UAH for 12 pages A4 format. If the article exceeds the indicated volume, you have to pay 50 UAH for each additional page. The publication fee covers the costs associated with review, proofreading and editing of articles, layout of the collection and placement of its electronic version.

If desired, the author of the article can order a printed copy of the magazine. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which must be paid in addition to the publication fee.

Materials of Doctors of Sciences are printed gratuitously.

The electronic version of the journal is timely placed in public access on the publication’s website.

Example of article design

UDC 811.111: 801.8: 82.09: 81’322.5


Biletska O.V.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The article highlights the interdependence of the notions “form” and “content” in linguopoetics. Special attention is drawn to the characteristic features of the new graphic form of postmodern text through the prism of graphic linguistics…(250 words).

Key words: form, content, graphic linguistics, visualization, new graphic form, postmodern text, traditional text.


У статті досліджено взаємовідношення понять «форма» та «зміст» у лінгвопоетиці. Особливу увагу приділено характерним ознакам нової графічної форми постмодерністського художнього тексту крізь призму графічної лінгвістики.

Ключові слова: форма, зміст, графічналінгвістика, візуалізація, новаграфічнаформа, постмодерністськийхудожнійтекст, традиційнийхудожнійтекст

Problem statement and substantiation of topicality. A rapid spread of the new digital, electronic and computer technologies, including “widespread dominance of Internet resources” [2, 444] …


Словник української мови : в 11 тт. / АН УРСР. Інститут мовознавства ; за ред. І. К. Білодіда. К. : Наукова думка, 1970–1980.


Bilodid, I. K. (Ed.). (1970–1980). Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy: v 11 tt. [The Ukrainian language dictionary]. Kyiv: Nauk. Dumka [in Ukrainian].


Yours sincerely, editorial staff of Research Journal of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series “Philology” (Linguistics)

Phone: 096 66 38 612



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